Thursday, December 9, 2010



Please go to to find FUN,FASHIONABLE & FUNCTIONAL items for mums with young children! Mostly imported form Europe, others designed for and made by Finika!
Unfortunately nobody left a comment ... so there are no winners!

I will run a GIVE AWAY QUARTERLY so keep coming back for a visit!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Iron On Appliques (Elephants)

Midi Boutique, 35 Elephants and Finika had a little gathering last Friday 26 November to invite the local ladies for a browse in these very cute shops. I also launched my website which looks amazing! Unfortunately something has gone a little wrong with my email, and loyal Charles is working really hard to fix this.......

Sorry for all of you I am, ignoring, but I really cant get to my emails!

I have given out some appliques on the evening as a little thank you for coming to the night!(little Elephants ... so cute!)

Below you will find some more information and how to apply it:

Iron-on velours is suitable for use on cotton, polyester or acryl, like t-shirts, polo shirts and other products made from these materials. It is washable up to 60°C and is colourfast. Never use liquid detergent/soap or bleech. Do not put the material in the dryer. No dry cleaning!
* Always pre-wash the T-shirt or fabric before applying the velours (at least once in the washing machine).
* Make sure that the fabric lays flat before applying. Pre-iron the fabric.
* The iron-on velours has a shiny side (the carrier, you will peel this off later) and a matte side (glue).
* Set your iron to the maximum temperature for cotton.
* Place the applique shiny side up on your fabric/t-shirt (matte/glue side down).
* Place a thin piece of fabric over the applique.
* Iron with medium pressure for 15-20 seconds on the applique.
* Let all cool down and remove carefully the carrier foil.
* Iron once again on the backside of the fabric.*
Always wash and iron you product inside out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Lunch Punch

Wow .... I was hunting for some more FUN, FASHIONABLE & FUNCTIONAL products on some sites in Holland ... and I found this amazing FIND! How groovy is that. I have been able to trace it down and the Lunch Punch is designed by lovely Kiersten from Melbourne, Australia. So I had to go all the way around the world to find this great product.
To win one of these amazing products help me spread the word that my webshop is officially opening on December 10!Please leave a comment too and I enter you in the draw. Winners will be announced on my blog on Dec 10! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well .... mum and I were in Paris at the Maison et Objet tradefair ... and I found this little character! Her name is Bubbles .. which happens to be our 1 year old Border Collies name as well.
Now for sale at 35 Elephants in Lorne. Although. I might just have to keep her!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


In preparation of the market, to be held on 30 October in Lorne, I have been very busy! BUT .... the weather forecast is extremely poor! So I have decided not to go to the market and focus on getting my products on the web!
This is a new product "Finika rompers". Imported from Holland, these rompers have a velour "iron on" made by my best friend in Holland "Marieke", applied by ME! An unique, high quality, partly handmade, trendy gift ... handy to keep your baby cool and look hot for these sunny summerdays!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sneak Preview, Close Up!

Ok, guys, I have been quiet for a while, but finally .... Finika's stock is arriving!
I will publish a new arrival every week, so you can start getting an idea about what's to come when Finika opens her doors!

This brand is from London, I found it in Paris, with (at that stage) no other Australian shops stocking this brand! GORGUSS!

Please contact me at if you like to keep posted regarding new products and the launch date of Finika!

It is sooooooo cute

Sneak Preview

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Free tutorial "hoedje van papier"

SHARING MEMORIES .... thats where its all about!

I was going to Holland on my own, to visit two trade fairs, 1 in Holand and 1 in Paris. Due to the high expence, the time frame, I thought it would be most sensible to go on my own.... but the night before my husband said "it is a real shame you are not taking Keira!"
So ... I went online, found out there was another seat avilable and about 3 hours later ... Keira was coming! Much nicer to be able to share memories with my precious girl! Paddy was more then happy to stay with dad!
So opa and oma had NO IDEA that Keira was coming! The best surprise ever! So arriving at my parents house opa and oma were straight into being opa and oma again! Folding "hoedjes van papier"!
I will include some fold instructions!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


In the name of inspiration I will be away from 2 - 14 Sept!Flying to Holland to give all my family and friends a most loving hug!
We see you soon, when I get back!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Willows Teahouse

Congratulations to Marijke, Cappo, Ryder, Sunny and Tully!
Living their dream, doing what they do best! Work as a team, serving delicious home made and baked brunch and cakes! Marijkes forever lasting positive smile, will make you smile, I guarantee!
Willows is situated at the Aireys Inlet Lighthouse, on the Great Ocean Road on your way to Lorne!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The following shops are currently stocking Finika!

35 Elephants, Lorne
Willows Teahouse, Aireys Inlet
The Clothes Line, Beechworth

Soon to come...

Two Rooms on Main Street, Colac

The ball is rolling!

I dont know if any of you can relate to this feeling ... but I try to describe it.

It took us 36 months to conceive our fisrt baby. We had accupuncture, changed diets and had our regular dose of some little herbal tablets! After 3 months I had this feeling that I could be pregnant so off to the local pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. About 5 minutes later I was dancing, and spinning in the middle of the living room, jumping up and down!

I just had a simlar experience 10 minutes ago! I had a phonecall from one of my favourite boutiques, Two Rooms on the Main Street, in Colac, a gorgeous shop full of accessories and gorgeous clothing, catering for all budgets! She had a customer who had one of my Finika bags and wanted to place a wholesale order! Even though my label is now in three shops already, this is the first shop approaching me! Thanks Ann!

The ball is rolling and I better get sewing!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Use of Colors

As weird as it sounds, I have had so much time to browse the web due to my two little ones being home from school ... sick! The winter bugs have been visiting our school and how cosy is that! No social commitments, no supermarket visits, no lunch making, no drop off, no pick up, no after school activities, no dinner!
Lucky enough my web designer Charles didnt worry about the bugs in my house and came to visit me a couple of times to discuss some final touches. So many desicions to make! We came across the importance of color choice. So here an article relating to the choice of colors in website design.
I wonder if you think I have learned anything when you see my website?!
Launching around 1 October.

Monday, August 2, 2010

You can do anything you want

First of all I apologise for taking such a long time to post this post! We went away, and I did not get any inspiration... maybe just a tiny little (I did end up in Spotlight in Burnleigh where I bought material to make heatpacks). We got home and work was calling, then the kids got sick, my computer had to go to hospital with a bad virus and due to a bad mix of circimstances I started to slip down on a negative spiral! Fighting to crawl out of it , but not fully succeeding, my husband with his very straight approach, TOLD ME TO GET OUT OF IT! "This is not you any more" is what he started yelling! At the time I was very angry with him ... it is not a deliberate decision to go into a negative spral, but somehow it is ... because I was able to crawl out and here I am again!
How grateful am I that I was able to get out, pick up the pieces and move forward.
Since then I have had several meetings with my website designer, have booked a trip to some tradefairs in Europe ... after all I started Finika to be able to see my very special family and friends! How exciting. Next week a very special friend is taking me to the tradefairs in Melbourne, so I can experience and learn some tricks of the trade.

....... Last night I went to an "introduction to photo shop" course at our local community centre. Of course we all introduced eachother, but the one who gave me the title for todays post was the teacher herself named Kirstin Honey!
A 33 year old lady, who is having her birthday today.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRSTIN!"
She is a musician, composer, artist, small business owner and current world champion 24 hour mountainbike riding! Goodness me! She only started bikeriding 6 years ago! She really inspired me that if you put in your mind you really want something ... you will achieve it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mystery Shop

I have been able to dedicate most of my day to Finika, she really puts a smile on my face. I have been seriously thinking about having my own shop, my sewingroom is slowly turning into a warehouse and my website is not up and running and therefor I have no outlet! Shops in Lorne range between $400 and $1500 a week rent and on top of that you often have to pay a lease! OUT OF MY RANGE
So I had to investigate my options and I found one. Here is a sneak preview....


Yeah, a little closer to reality... my lables came in today!
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Friends and Family

My brother Bart offered me to design the Finika website. Wow, an offer I couldn't refuse. Unfortunately my brother lives 17 thousand kilometers away and I realised that maintaining a website is a most complicated element of a successful business. For my business success it would be most desirable to be able to rely on somebody more accessible. His design looked fantastic and I am forever greatful for all the efforts, time and love he has put into it. This is a decision made out of a business perspective! My brother is really hurt (and therefor me too) which I fully understand!I am sorry Bart!

Consider what it is worth before you accept a favour!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today the Great Ocean Road Marathon was held for the 6th time...and I am so proud! Personal achievemnt for my husband Rohan who ran the half marathon for the second time ONE minute faster then last year! A personal record! He had set is goal and reached it once again. Now... I cant really see myself running a marathon, but it is so inspiring to be surrounded by him! Unfortunately I couldn't make it because the golf club needed me! I will be there next year!