Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Lunch Punch

Wow .... I was hunting for some more FUN, FASHIONABLE & FUNCTIONAL products on some sites in Holland ... and I found this amazing FIND! How groovy is that. I have been able to trace it down and the Lunch Punch is designed by lovely Kiersten from Melbourne, Australia. So I had to go all the way around the world to find this great product.
To win one of these amazing products help me spread the word that my webshop is officially opening on December 10!Please leave a comment too and I enter you in the draw. Winners will be announced on my blog on Dec 10! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well .... mum and I were in Paris at the Maison et Objet tradefair ... and I found this little character! Her name is Bubbles .. which happens to be our 1 year old Border Collies name as well.
Now for sale at 35 Elephants in Lorne. Although. I might just have to keep her!