Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mystery Shop

I have been able to dedicate most of my day to Finika, she really puts a smile on my face. I have been seriously thinking about having my own shop, my sewingroom is slowly turning into a warehouse and my website is not up and running and therefor I have no outlet! Shops in Lorne range between $400 and $1500 a week rent and on top of that you often have to pay a lease! OUT OF MY RANGE
So I had to investigate my options and I found one. Here is a sneak preview....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josephina,

    What a great idea. The shop looks great and full of nice things. It's always good to think outside of the square we live in, you see, you will always find great alternate solutions and still get what you want and this will lead you to achieve your main goal. Well done!

    Looking forward to our chat next week

    Vinh Van Lam
    Business Lifestyle Coach
